Monday, December 22, 2008
Boxing Day Deal
The fine folks at Zunior are have a Boxing Day sale that offers up a big chunk of their catalogue for half-price. That's only $4.44!
So, if you want the digital version of A Mountain Is A Mouth for cheap, stop by Zunior during your turkey hangover.
While you're at it, why not pick up the new Great Lake Swimmers, that Acorn b-side collection, and a little Laura Barrett, Bicycles, $100, Richard Laviolette, dd/mm/yyyy and Burning Hell. Go nuts! There's so much good music for under five bucks a record!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Double Delivery
Our friends at a beautiful little e-store called Zunior have teamed up with our Canadian distributor Outside Music to offer Double Delivery.
For just a little more money, you get the digital files instantly (including PDFs of the artwork) and then a CD copy in the mail on February 3rd.
We really like the sound of that system, mostly because we always imagined A Mountain Is A Mouth with Yuula's artwork printed properly and the music on a format that you can take out and listen to from front to back.
Pull down the menu under Available Options here or cut to the chase here.
Monday, December 15, 2008
If you're in the habit of buying music digitally, please search for our record at your preferred mp3 store sometime tomorrow. More thorough details to come.
Go here if you want us to shut up about it and just let you listen to the record.
For Immediate Release
Monday, December 15, 2008.
Bruce Peninsula unveil
A Mountain Is A Mouth
Available Digitally on December 16, 2008 /// CD on February 03, 2009
Bruce Trail Recordings /// Distributed by Outside Music
Toronto -- A Mountain Is A Mouth is the first full-length from Toronto-based big band Bruce Peninsula. Often featuring three drummers and a 5-girl choir, "the otherworldly power of their live shows" has made them one of Ontario's most exciting new bands. A marriage of ghostly choral music and a frenetic kind of progressive rock, Bruce Peninsula is a flexible and stirring force, equally suited to perform in churches or slum bars, on porches or on farms.
A Mountain Is A Mouth's 10 songs (as well as 3 others recently released on a 7" from Escape Goat Records) were expertly captured over the last year by band member Leon Taheny (Sebastien Grainger & The Mountains drummer/ Final Fantasy engineer). With a tight-knit group of friends guiding from the helm and contributions from some of Toronto's finest musicians, A Mountain Is A Mouth finds its strength in numbers. This is big rhythm leading a small army of throat-worn singers, as recorded in the sanctuary of St. George the Martyr church, the basement of a reputable Toronto University, and six other rooms in the city.
The debut album comes to you via the band's own Bruce Trail Recordings and will be officially available on CD on February 3rd through leading distributor, Outside Music, in Canada. Bruce Peninsula are eager to get into your ears though, so A Mountain Is A Mouth will be available digitally this Tuesday, December 16th. Check with your friendly local e-retailer.
Upcoming Bruce Peninsula Dates:
January 28th - Peterborough - Gordon Best Theatre
January 30th - London - Call The Office
January 31st - Toronto - Horseshoe
February 1st - Guelph - Vinyl
February 3rd - AMIAM RELEASE DAY
February 4th - Toronto - Soundscapes
February 5th - Hamilton - Pepperjack's
February 7th - Montreal - Il Motore
February 13th - Brantford - Ford Plant
February 22nd - Toronto CD Release - Polish Combatants Hall
March 20th - Kingston - United Church
What people are saying about Bruce Peninsula:
"I don't want to jinx them by using the 'P-word', but in all honesty, anyone who wants to succeed Caribou next September is going to have to go through Bruce Peninsula." – I Heart Music
"Every once in a while a band so uniquely powerful comes along, they renew your faith in music. For the lucky few who've seen them live already, Toronto's alt-gospel 11-piece Bruce Peninsula is one. Melding a chorus of voices influenced by ancient field recordings of spiritual blues songs with post-rock musical arrangements, this congregation is a stirring force. Currently perfecting their debut album for a spring release, Bruce Peninsula were born to be believed in." – Exclaim!
"If this performance was meant to be a statement, it was that the Bruce Peninsula aren't just a rag-tag assembly of bored hipsters who think it's cool to croon pre-war gospel and blues numbers, but rather a hugely promising folk-psych ensemble with a dynamic set of darkly twisted original songs ready to unleash." – NOW
"This is a visceral yet modern take on traditional forms, focusing on the full vocal possibilities of a choir with elemental percussion, and driven by primal rhythms that draw indirect lines to First Nations or African music. The spiritual element is paramount in every note, whether or not there are direct religious references in the lyrics." – EYE Weekly
Sunday, December 14, 2008
self-titled Timber Timbre

We wanted to tell you about the new record from our friend and occasional bandmate Timber Timbre. It's out next month on Stuart Duncan's Out of This Spark label and we're all enthralled by it.
Misha, Matt, Neil and Steve had the honour of lending some ohs and ahs to the record and our friend Chris Stringer helped him make it, but all the real magic comes out of 'Ol T. He's an old soul with a complex heart and these songs give us a small glimpse into it.
We're lucky to have met Taylor and look forward to spending more time with him. He'll open some shows in Peterborough, Montreal and Ottawa and will have his own trajectory around Valentine's to officially unveil the record.
Please, check it out. We know you'll love it.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Coyote reVampire
Still working on getting working Flash audio up here. It's a lot harder then we expected. We promise it will be resolved soon. For now, there are samples on our Myspace page.
Shows are slowly coming together too. A post about special release shows will come shortly, but head over to our shows page to see if we're coming by you anytime soon.
Monday, November 10, 2008
the real thing
We have much planned for the final throes of winter.
For now, we're working the rust off.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
We realize that our nice new website has broken a cardinal rule. That is... the only reason that people should come to a band's website is to listen to the band.
We're working on getting some easy streaming happening here but it takes time and effort that has been concentrated elsewhere lately. We know, and are working to remedy it.
Be patient. We realize that all of this info is useless if you can't actually listen to us. When you're done here, please go over to the myspace, which has both of the 7" sides and a couple tracks from AMIAM.
Very very soon there will be music on this site. That is a promise.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Release dates
It makes us so happy to tell you that.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Outside Music
Thanks to Outside's partnership with Zunior, there will be a double delivery option where you get the mp3/flac files instantly and a CD mailed to you on the release date (which is February 3rd, by the way).
More details forthcoming.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Chipping away
While those gears are turning, we're slowly working on a 15-minute piece involving much stomping and strange patterns. We'll hopefully have that finished in the next month or so. It will be released on a 12 inch slab of vinyl, split with our old friend Sandro Perri's Polmo Polpo project. So far it seems that this will sound unlike any BP you've ever heard before.
Other songs are coming together too. We hope to go back into the studio just as the new year rolls around. No idea what form those recordings will take just yet, but we're heading in new directions and are excited to record them. We promise it won't take us so long to finish a record next time. For our own sanity, mostly.
More details on A Mountain Is A Mouth coming shortly.
Still working on the streaming players too. They're taking a little longer to put together than we planned.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
The Persuasions
This was truly gorgeous music made by wonderfully kind and charismatic men. We urge you to seek out their music and to tell you that, if you have the chance, go and see them. You'll leave with a full heart, a smile on your face and residual shivers down your spine.
Thank you so much to Pop Montreal for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Welcome to Bruce Peninsula's new home on the internet. We've been working to make it functional, in the hopes that anybody in the band can keep it up to date without too much hassle. So far, it seems to be working.
You'll find all kinds of things here. Most importantly, you'll find information about the release of our new full-length record A Mountain Is A Mouth. Just go to the Music tab and click on the cover.
We're excited to tell you that the record is mastered and heading into the reproduction process. We are releasing it independently, but not without some help from our friends. It will be released digitally just after the new year and in physical form on February 3rd 2008. More details soon.
We're working on streaming players that will allow you to listen through the record. Please check back here in the next few weeks and hopefully we'll have them up. We can't wait for folks to hear it. We've been sitting on it for far too long.
We're booking shows and working out all the release details.
We'll post all those details, as we know them, here.
xo xo