Thursday, November 28, 2013

Dec 12

We've been very quiet. We know!

Wanted to tell you about this show we're doing on December 12th. If you live in Toronto and want to see it in the flesh, head over to to get tickets.

However, if you live elsewhere, you can still watch us play by tuning in at, who are presenting the show and will livestream it all night long. We play at 11pm!

Otherwise, the silence has just been a product of living life. Steve had a baby, Misha went back to school, we all have busy jobs... On the music front, there are solo records from Steve, Andrew, Ivy, Neil and Tamara all in the 75% done zone. We've also started working very slowly on BP LP III but it's gonna be some time before you hear about that!

Thanks for checking in every now and then. We are excited to get together to play again. Hopefully that momentum sticks in the winter months...