Friday, August 10, 2012


This summer has easily been one of the best in Bruce Peninsula's lifetime. Aside from the usual hanging around and drinking beers and eating freezies and swimming in lakes, we had the pleasure to go to the Klondike. It was an experience that none of us will soon forget and we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to the organizers of the Dawson City Music Festival and anybody that made us feel at home so far afield. It was the best festival we've ever taken part in and if you ever have the opportunity to go to the Yukon, we highly recommend that you take it. 

If that wasn't enough, we turned right around when we got home to hit Sappyfest in Sackville, NB, which is something we all look forward to each year. Many of us have gone as spectators in year's past but this was our first time playing since 2008 (our very first tour!). Paul and Jon and all the people that make Sackville the weird little utopia that it is... thank you!

We are off to play our very first show on the real Bruce Peninsula next week and then Toronto, Montreal and Wakefield on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th. We hope you can join us! Fall will inevitably come and we'll have to get back to reality but for now we pray for endless summer.

xo xo BP