It's a beautiful thing they have going there. Nestled atop a pizza joint in Rock Island, IL, you'd never know that the Daytrotter guys record a couple bands a day every single day at their unassuming studio. They were very inviting and patient with us, considering none of us had ever done a live-off-the-floor, get-it-right-quick taping before.
Rock Island is part of the Quad Cities, uniting with Davenport, Bettendorf and Moline. When we finished up, the DT guys pointed us over the bridge and into Iowa, where we found a casino / hotel / cruise ship that had cheap rooms. A bottle of tequila, some pizza, a little gambling and too much Wife Swap later, I can safely say it produced one of the best memories we've got.
Hope you enjoy it. Be sure to check out everything Daytrotter has to offer. You could be online for days.