Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Beacons, Self-Help,

Hey friends. Some new BP family-related projects to tell you about.

Casey's band ohbijou are releasing album number two tomorrow and we think some serious shit is about to go down for them. We can't think of a more deserving bunch of people. What we've heard of Beacons is absolutely beautiful and everyone involved should be proud of the top-notch fidelity and spot-on playing. It's really lovely music and that's something we all need more of. Visit their myspace for all the pertinent details.

Secondly, we have Self-Help, which was recently released by our bro Thom Gill. It's ultra-smooth and sexy and features some serious guitar work and that trademark slithering coo from the man in the blue pants. We can't find a picture of it. You should just message Thom at myspace and get yourself a copy.

oh, and...

Katie Stelmanis has a new 7" out on Vice / Loog and also Isla Craig is holding her CD release this Saturday at St. Andrew-By-The-Lake on the island. Both of those recordings are off-the-chain too.

Got all that?